Winner of 2nd Birthday Giveaway!

December 15, 2013

It’s snowing today in Sapporo and I dread to get out of my cosy bed. But I know you must be waiting for the announcement!

Before I do that I just wanted to thank you all for your wonderful suggestions and for taking part in the contest. There were 110 participants in all. I hear lots of suggestions on sew-alongs as well as to feature other books and some magazines that I have yet to cover. I will try my best to do that next year!

And finally, the winners are….

Winner of Book :

Un Blog magnifico que he descubierto no hace mucho y el cual sigo. Te sigo desde Catalunya, un poquito lejos. Mi eleccion de regalo es: Libro de Mujeres/ Telas de Kayo Horaguchi.

(A magnificent blog I discovered not long ago and which still. I’m still from Catalunya, a little far. My choice of gift is: Book of Women / Kayo Horaguchi fabrics. – translated by Google Translate)


and Winner of Fabric :


Two years old! Congratulations! I have only been folowing you for about one, but love your tips & especially the fabric you have introduced me to. Would love to see more finished projects from the books! Book C, Fabric B


Once again, thank you all for participating, I hope you had fun and see you guys around soon! I’m going fabric shopping again today. Follow me on instagram if you want to have a look at where I shop!

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  • Amalia January 26, 2014 at 5:13 pm

    Congratulations to both winners! so lucky!