Magazine review – Cucito Autumn 2013

October 23, 2013

Yay it’s FINALLY here. The Autumn version of Cucito magazine.

Highlights of this issue – patterns for the 130,140,150cm group which are not often found in books and magazines. My eldest just went past the 130cm mark, this will come in handy!

The magazine starts off with some Autumn wear basics for the cooler months. Sweat pants for boys and girls.

Also, notice the shirt worn by the boy and the Mama+girl in the picture below? They are part of a matching set of shirt patterns for both Mama+kids. Just that the boy has a tie and the ladies use a ribbon tie.

There are also skirt patterns for Mama + Girl in the same sweat pants material. The title of the pattern is called sweat skirt! Is that the official term?

 Some projects featuring new Autumn fabrics.

 Love the little bolero!

It even includes a really pretty lining for the peekaboo effect.

Next up is the special section for 130-150cm girls.

Tencel Denim Salopette pants (overalls). There is also a Salopette skirt version which is also available in 90-120cm sizes.

Cute Trench Coat with Ruffles – really cute! I love how they used the mustard yellow color too. It’s not a color I would choose to buy but it looks so good with the light brown boots.

 This issue’s special Sewing feature – Sewing with open ended zippers. There is even a full step by step tutorial showing you how to make the parka in the picture above.

 Check out the upper end of the zipper. Professionally finished!

Lots of ideas for embelishment using the same parka pattern.

As usual, Cucito always provides a few Mama+Daughter patterns.

 and some for the babies!

 Buttons on the back. how cute!

 This stylish outfit will look good on a 130-150cm girl too, but unfortunately it only comes in 70-90cm sizes.

 Something for the baby boys too. Patterns for the vest, shirt and pants, all included.

I’m quite attracted to the little boys outfit in this issue, not sure why 😛

 These two boys are wearing a sweatshirts with a really interesting wide collar with a toggle button. Really interesting and I think it will work for the girls too.

Padded vest for the boys.

Back to more girly stuff. A bubble skirt on the left, and a simple denim skirt on the right. The red and white polka dotted pocket you can barely see on the extreme right of the picture, is actually a detachable pocket.

 Remember the cute trench coats earlier on for the 130-150cm age group? Available in 90-120cm sizes too. I would buy this magazine just for this pattern! ;P

 The 90-120cm size includes a straight coat design as well.

Using all the garments you can make in this issue, you can put together some really stylish looks.

Outift ideas for the girls.

 There are some lovely hats as well, I like this one best!

Now for the how-to-make section. It starts with some sewing basics with photographs.

Many of the patterns that require more instruction come in colored diagrams like these.

The simpler ones are included near the back of the magazine in black and white diagrams like the one below.

 2 large pattern sheets included.

 Title : Cucito Autumn 2013
Publisher : Boutique-sha 


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  • erin October 23, 2013 at 9:53 am

    The trench coat with ruffles is so adorable!

  • Betty Jordan Wester October 23, 2013 at 10:32 am

    Oh man, I might have to go to Kinokuniya soon.

  • EmSewCrazy October 23, 2013 at 11:41 am

    Oooh so CUTE!! That trench coat is AMazing! So many neat designs.

  • dacarrot October 23, 2013 at 12:15 pm

    Thank you!

    Kinokuniya it is. 😉

  • Plimplim October 23, 2013 at 2:14 pm

    I have this magazine and I love this fall issue !! I made the sweat with this great collar for my daughter, like a sweat, here-
    and I turned it into a dress here-

  • Sharon Chu November 20, 2013 at 5:04 am

    I recently discovered Cucito and have started collecting, but I have to say that the cute trenchcoat looks like it came right out of the Spring 2012 issue of Ottobre Kids.