nani IRO 2013

March 14, 2013

Browsing through the entire catalogue of nani IRO 2013 is rather painful for me…. Simply because I want to buy everything! It’s also really difficult to try to compose a blog post while I’m really itching to be shopping instead. I’ve got 1 yard in my cart right now and I just hit the “Keep shopping” button, but I stopped to get back to writing this.  I’m not telling you which fabric I’m eyeing, and I will checkout my cart before I publish this post, just in case it gets sold out! 😛 Anyway, this blog post will be boring, because I will just be gushing about how much I love every single fabric.

I love nani IRO’s catalogues. They give me soooo many ideas.

Coule you have imagined this fabric to be used on a child’s dress? I find that I kind of get carried away when fabric shopping. Always veering towards the too cute or too pink or pastel stuff for the kids. I would have picked this blue fabric out for a skirt or dress for myself. But look at how adorable it is on the kids!

This is really special. The fabric design is called dear mother’s girlhood. In the fabric’s description, there is a part that says “刺繍タッチを水彩で描き上げ”  – Google translate tells me that it means “Raised embroidery touch paint in watercolors” So does it mean there is some embroidery on it? It certainly looks like there is some 3D effect but I can’t figure out if the effect is painted on or embroidered. Can someone who has seen this fabric in real life let me know? I’m really curious!

More ideas on how to use the fabric. The woodblock pocho is a really cute design. There are so many different parts to the fabric that you can play with because of the way the pattern is repeated. You can be sure every single garment you make out of it is unique!  😛 Does this fabric look familiar? That’s because it’s one of the designs for the giveaway! Enter here (if you haven’t done so already)

One of the sweet sweet designs that i will always fall for. I love the one in yellow and blue stripes on the borders most and I can see it being used on a dress. Just can’t decide if I should use the blue on top or below, or maybe even at the waistline!

I browsed through all the different color combination for this and the yellow+navy combination really caught my eye. I just want to hang it up on the wall like this. But then I saw how they used it on skirts (see below) and I changed my mind. Maybe it will look better on a skirt.

The shirts are made from the next design below, called nuance MUJI. Awesome water color blocks. You can make really simple A-line shift dresses out of this to bring out the beauty of the fabric and every single dress will be different depending on how you cut it.

To be honest, when I first saw these two dresses, I didn’t like it very much. Probably because the pink checks remind me of a kindergartener’s uniform. But on the website you can see a close up picture of the border, where the colors blend so beautifully.
My favourite color combination is the one in the middle. The beige checks are not too obvious and I love all the colors used on the border. This will be really nice for a skirt. I’m not too big a fan of having checks all the way through so making an entire dress out of it will be too much. Imagine a solid co-ordinating fabric bodice and this for the skirt!

The last design is called the herring bone pencil. At first glance you can’t tell why it’s called herring bone. But when you see it closeup, you can see the very subtle herring bone pattern on the fabric.  Love love love the one with the green stripe!

So that’s my report on the 2013 nani IRO collection. Back to shopping now. Guess which one I’m getting?

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  • Cindy March 14, 2013 at 11:49 pm

    Oh my goodness, what beautiful fabric…sigh..

    Cindy 🙂

  • Patty Orellana March 14, 2013 at 11:54 pm

    Beautiful post!!!Tempting right? I think I will get some soon, or not too soon, my budget is tight and I have way too many fabrics, but for Nani Iro fabrics you can not have enough. I would love if Nani Iro could publish another pattern book, she has lots of great patterns that would make a beautiful book!!! I think she will, I have my fingers cross!!!! How was your shopping? Any regrets? Cheers and have a good day!

  • Jayne March 15, 2013 at 12:34 am

    I want all of her fabrics! So beautiful!

  • Jaya March 16, 2013 at 4:12 pm

    beautiful fabric.. fingers itching to touch some.. but they are too expensive. no way i can justify myself buying some.

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