Japanese Sewing Magazine Review – Female Autumn 2012

October 26, 2012

It’s never a good idea to walk into a bookshop when feeling depressed.  I wasn’t intending to buy this because I was supposedly on a book ban and anyway I flipped through it once before and thought there was nothing much I wanted to make from it. Somehow the second time I flipped through it I found a number of items I wanted to make, so there goes the book ban. 😛

So today’s book (magazine actually) is the Autumn issue of Female. See that baggy suit on the front page? Yes you get that pattern in the book but I didn’t take a photo of it because I can’t imagine wearing that anywhere. If you need a baggy clown suit (a little too late for Halloween sewing though) you might like it. 😛

Since it is the Autumn issue, expect to see coats and outerwears like this jacket above. You get the pattern for only the jacket in the picture above, the rest are items for sale.

The black variation of the same jacket.

Being one of the key patterns, there are step by step photographs included for the jackets. It’s a lined jacket, so it is a little more complicated. But the photos are pretty self explanatory, especially when they use contrasting fabrics and threads.

I like this long, no-collar jacket. Looks like it can double up as a shirt dress!

Another Jacket pattern, very sweet with a bow-tie in the front.

There is even a pattern for a trench coat. I love trench coats. Now I can make my own! 🙂

Some dresses featuring floral prints, I am not quite a fan of this print but I like the dress pattern, it will probably look very different with a different fabric weight/print.

Some sweeter floral prints and less formal looking dresses suitable for everyday wear.

Ok, I actually included this photo not because I liked it, but I was just amused by the picture. I think they held up the sleeves on purpose to show off the fabric because I can’t imagine walking around like that.

The drape of the shirt looks quite nice though, I’m not so sure about the print.  Could it be nicer in a sheer solid color?

More dressy shirts for ladies, always a useful pattern to have in your pattern library.

This is nice! A drop shoulder T-shirt pattern. They have lots of these baggy drop shoulder T-shirts at Uniqlo. I like them because despite looking baggy, it actually makes you look slimmer especially if paired with shorts and leggings.

A closer look at the T-shirt.

Peplum Top pattern. I was actually on the verge of converting the bodice of one of the dress patterns (from the last magazine Female summer 2012)  into a Peplum top. With this I wouldn’t need to, but for a change I might try to make it more of a circle skirt rather than the pleats in the blue top below. Shouldn’t be too difficult? I like the floral top too, especially the wider neckline and 3/4 sleeves.

Closer look at the floral top. It’s more like a blouse with a elastic waistband isn’t it? Rather than a peplum top? (Definition of  peplum  1. A short overskirt or ruffle attached at the waistline of a jacket, blouse, or dress.)

Another cute top, in Corn Flower blue. Is that the “in” color for Fall?

Party season coming up, so Party dress patterns are a must! I included this photograph because I am wondering if the models are way too skinny or are the clothes meant to look so oversized on them? I think it doesn’t show off the dress very well eh?

A closer look at the dress. Looks a lot nicer on its own in my opinion ;P

Another party dress. Notice the collar? It’s a detachable collar necklace.

Peplum style but this time on a dress. Another collar necklace, but with rounded corners.

Autumn Denim special.

Denim overalls

Denim dress. This fabric is really special, the criss cross lines are actually textured, like the frayed ends of denim. Other than that the dress looks like the first set of part dresses?

Some basic pieces in black. I like the asymmetrical dress on the right. Might make this if I can get hold of the right fabric.

Accessories patterns for this issue.

Interesting idea for a temporary tattoo. Draw them on your tights/stockings! Lol…

This issue includes a special segment on inner wear patterns.

You can even make your own underwear!

The sizes included are S,M,L and LL. There are many more patterns that I did not cover here because there are simply too many to show. There are only a few step by step photos instructions, and though those are very detailed, the rest of the patterns are similar to the one above.

Another example of the pattern instructions. Looks a little scary but I think if you can follow the diagams, it’s not that bad.

Well, hope you like the magazine. The last issue turned out to be quite useful for me. I made 2 patterns out of it already, just haven’t had the time to take any pictures yet. Hope to do that soon!

Title : Female Autumn 2012 (No. 408)
Publisher : Boutique-Sha

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  • Cindy October 26, 2012 at 11:13 pm

    You’re right about the “poncho-ish” top. The floral pattern is a little odd but I agree with the draping. I think if they got rid of the collar and button down and made it one piece of fabric with a different neckline I’d be all in LOL 🙂


  • Melissa November 2, 2012 at 10:06 am

    Well, I got both issues. I made one of the princess lined dress from the last issue. Pretty nice though I made changes a bit. Overall, I think it makes a great addition to any sewist.

  • Magazine giveaway! » Japanese Sewing, Pattern, Craft Books and Fabrics November 6, 2012 at 5:58 am

    […] – Female Autumn 2012 (clothes and accessories for the […]

  • Betty Jordan Wester August 4, 2014 at 3:36 am

    Has Female been discontinued? I haven’t been able to find the Spring 2014 or the Summer 2014 issues?

    • Japanese Sewing Books August 7, 2014 at 10:44 am

      Hi Betty,
      Yes, it has been discontinued, the last issue was Winter 2013.

  • Valerie Griffith June 23, 2015 at 1:46 am

    Dear sirs,

    My name is Valerie Griffith and I would like to know how do you menthols with using a sewing machine, a long time ago I saw this elderly japanese man was mending a skirt without using a sewing v machine e, all he did was intertwined thread in with the hole in the skirt and after he got all the treads lined up he made a few. It with some scissors and then he pulled pulled on the fabric and the hole was gone and it look like there was never a hole there at all I just want to k ow the name of that kind of mending

    If you know what I am talking about please email me and let me know what it is called

    Thank you

    Valerie Griffith