Sew-Along Day 2 – The Granny Bag

May 8, 2012

How did Day 1 go? Too fast? Too slow? Β Shall we move on?

Let’s proceed to making the bag body today. πŸ™‚

1 . Sew the darts (See below)

2. Repeat on the other side. Now one side of your bag should look like this.

3. Fold the darts in towards the middle (towards the bottom of the bag) and iron.

4. Repeat for the other exterior bag body piece, as well as the 2 lining pieces.

5. Taking two pieces of bag exterior fabric, stack them with right sides facing, and line up the dart lines. Pin in place. Align the other dart as well and pin around the bottom.

6. Sew with 1cm seam allowance around the three sides.

7. Repeat for the inner lining fabric. Now you should have two little bags. I’m showing them to you here what it should look like but you don’t have to flip them around just yet. Leave it inside out for the next step.

8. Now press the seams flat all around. Repeat for the lining bag as well.

8. Insert the inner bag into the outer bag, with wrong sides of each bag facing each other.

9. Match up the side seams. See why the seams needed to be pressed flat? So that you won’t get irregular bulkiness along the side seams, with the seams sometimes turning to one side or the other. You also need to sew the bias over the top so the side seams have to be open and flat and facing each other.

10. Now pin both layers together around the top edge and sew 0.7cm. Again it doesn’t have to be exactly 0.7cm, but it has to be less than 1cm so that you won’t get it peaking out below your bias finishing later on. That won’t look nice!

11. And this is what you should have at the end of day 2. Looks like it’s all coming together now!

We need to finish up the top and add on the handles next. See you tomorrow! πŸ™‚

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  • Leigh May 9, 2012 at 5:27 am

    Loving the sew along! Your instructions are really clear.
    I wanted to put some pics into your Flickr group… pls could you accept me as a contact (I’m Mrs Traumatron on Flickr)?
    Thanks xx

    • Japanese Sewing Books May 9, 2012 at 5:30 pm

      Hi Leigh, I’ve added you as a contact on Flickr, but I the Japanese Sewing books flickr group is open to public, anyone can add photos to the group I think, did you have problems adding to the group? let me know so I can fiddle with the settings πŸ™‚ I’m quite new to this flickr thing!

  • Leigh May 10, 2012 at 3:47 am

    Hi again, I took another look at Flickr (I’m quite new to it as well…). It says I can only add photos to your group if I’m a member of the group. I asked to join the group and now it says that a message has been sent to you and is awaiting your attention. Does that make sense? πŸ˜‰

  • Japanese Sewing Books May 10, 2012 at 8:17 am

    Hi Leigh, Thanks so much for the feedback. I’ve went through the settings and realized that it was set to invitation only. I’ve now made the group public and you should be able to post your photos now as I can see you in the list of members πŸ™‚ Can’t wait to see your bag!