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cotton friend

Book Review – Cotton Friend Autumn 2012

Is it Autumn yet? Being here in Singapore it’s hot all year round, so it’s hard to tell when the seasons change in other parts of the world. I rely on the publishing dates of my favourite sewing magazines like Cotton Friend and Cucito…

October 5, 2012

Book Review – Cotton Friend

Another sewing magazine review. Cotton Friend usually covers a whole range of crafts, mostly to do with zakka and fabrics. This is the summer edition, and it caught my eye because it says サマーソーイング ”Summer Sewing”.…

September 14, 2012

Winner of Mother’s Day Book Giveaway

First of all, I would like to thank everyone who participated in the giveaway. The winner of the first book giveaway is Sumi! Sumi, I will be contacting you via email soon 🙂 For those of you who didn’t win, there will be more giveaways…

April 26, 2012