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bag patterns

Free Pattern – The Marupochi Crossbody bag!

Those of you who follow me on IG may have seen me post about these circle bags recently. I promised a tutorial so here it is! You can watch it on both my IGTV channel or Youtube channel. Here is a picture of the…

May 24, 2019

Free Japanese Sewing Patterns – Patternshop Snowwing

Another busy week, and it’s only Monday! This week is exams week and so there is very little time for surfing and posting in the day. But finally the girls are off to bed and even though all I want to do is to…

October 29, 2012

Free Japanese Sewing Pattern – Kabanhime

Sorry for the late post. Was trying to (obsessing) finish up a dress. Do you know that feeling? 😛 Anyway, today’s title is not strictly correct, because today’s free “patterns” site doesn’t provide any patterns, but shows us how she  made the following items…

September 25, 2012