New releases for September. Autumn/Winter sewing season is here! I am very tempted by this month’s new releases. Especially the books by Koda Aoi.
Title : 香田あおいのパターンレッスン 秋冬の服
(Koda Aoi’s Pattern Lesson – Autumn and Winter clothes)
ISBN : 978-4579115372
click here to browse a sample of the book on the publisher’s website
Title : 大人の日常服 (Ladies daily wear)
ISBN : 978-4529054898
Title : かわいいキッズの定番パンツ (Cute kids’ classic pants)
ISBN : 978-4529054928
Title : スタイルがよく見える! ワンピース&チュニック
Dresses and Tunics
ISBN : 978-4528013285
Title : ハンドメイドのかんたん子ども服 2015-2016秋冬
Easy Handmade Kids Clothes 2015-2016 Autumn/Winter
ISBN : 978-4834740806
Title : 女の子のかわいい毎日服
Cute Everyday clothes for Girls
ISBN : 978-4834740721
Wonderfully Handmade September 2015
More to choose from this season, and I am going to buy the NHK Wonderfully Handmade magazine just to check it out. Apparently every issue is a best seller in the Handicraft magazine category. There are lots of handicraft projects in it too, not just for sewing. Yoshiko Tsukiori seems to have a regular column where she releases a pattern every issue. I will definitely review this magazine when I get it. So stay tuned!
What’s the best way to buy these new Japanese books?
I buy the new releases mainly from Descriptions are in Japanese but the checkout process is mainly in english.