No translation requests today, so I found more sewing terms to translate!
用尺 - measure of cloth required when sewing
合印 – match marks (matching marks on pattern)
わ – fold-line
縫い代 – seam allowance
中表 – right sides of fabric facing each other
外表 – wrong sides of fabric facing each other
割る- slit / open up from two sides of seam allowance
倒す – After sewing seam, press seam allowance to one side
返し口 – opening for turning out
粗目のミシン – long machine stitch (for basting or gathering)
しつけ – basting/temporary hand stitching to keep in place before machine sewing
I’ve added these to the Dictionary of sewing terms.
Happy Sewing!
It is like japanese for me…;-)))
Good morning and I wish you a beautiful day…Is it hot now in Singapore?
Katrien. (I put a translator on my blog, maybe you can understand a bit more now ;-))
Yes it is soooooo hot!!!! I can’t wait to get to Japan! 🙂
Oh and I did turn on Google translate on my browser, so I can understand a little bit but the beauty of the original language is always lost with these automatic translators 🙂
This is such a helpful feature. I have books in Japanese, my response up to now has been if in doubt wing it, but sometimes I am very curious to know what I was supposed to do.