It seems like everywhere I turn, I spot another new sewing book. This is really a glorious season for new sewing books, but not such a great time for my wallet… kekeke… I’m sorry to drag you all into shopping heaven but here is part 3 with more new sewing books to buy!
I’m not familiar with this designer, but as it is published by Bunka, the book should be pretty good. There are patterns for girls and boys, 90-130cm and I can’t help but check out more little boy patterns nowadays. My boy is still using 80cm patterns but I have to start hoarding on the 90cm books 🙂
I love clothes made by Mum!
Title : ママが作った服が好き!
Author :岡本 暁子
ISBN No. : 978-4579115723
Instead of following the timetable of a periodical, the publishers of the now defunct Cucito magazine have opted to publish these Cotton Friend Kids! sewing books based on seasons. This is the latest edition for 2016 Summer.
Title : コットンフレンドキッズ! 2016 Summer
Publisher : Boutique-Sha
ISBN No. : 978-4834742152
Handmade Easy Kids Clothes 2016 Summer
Title : ハンドメイドのかんたん子ども服2016夏
Publisher : Boutique-Sha
ISBN No. : 978-4834741988
CHECK & STRIPE Handmade Favorites
Title : CHECK&STRIPE お気に入りをてづくりで
ISBN No. : 978-4418164165
Summer wear for Mature Ladies
Title : 今作って着たい おばあちゃまの夏服
Publisher : Boutique-sha
ISBN No. : 978-4834742176
Easy Sewing for Ladies 2016 Summer
Title : 大人のかんたんソーイング 2016夏
Publisher : Boutique -Sha
ISBN No. : 978-4834741964
Handmade Purses and Pouches
Title : 手作りのがまぐち&ポーチ
Publisher : Boutique-sha
ISBN No. : 978-4834742213
Cotton Friend Summer Edition 2016 Vol.59
Title : コットンフレンド2016年夏号(6月号vol.59)
Publisher : Boutique-sha
ASIN No.: B01D5319R6
Title : Cotton Time July 2016 Edition
Publisher : Shufu to seikatsusha
ASIN No. : B01EVM43T6
Love your posts.
Have you ordered from CDJAPAN before? I live in the UK and want to order the first sewing book in this post.
I buy most of my Japanese sewing books from there nowadays, I’ve also purchased water bottles and other cute Japanese stationery from them as well. They ship out really quickly and I usually get my books within a week. I’m not sure about shipping times to Japan though, but they are definitely reliable.
It may be a silly question so apologises what about translation. Or do these items come in English.