Today’s translation request came from Amanda through Facebook. It’s for a pair of silk linen pants from this book いつでも着たい服 (ISBN 978-4579112999)
Size chart for the pants.
Cutting layout diagram
Click on above image to zoom in.
Hope that helps Amanda! Happy Sewing!
Oh, and did you guys know that my blog is turning 2 yrs old soon? Time flies! Those of you who have been following the blog since last year may remember this event 🙂 An important announcement will be up next week so pay close attention…
Have a good weekend!
Thank you, thank you thank you!!! You have an amazing blog!!
have a good weekend!
Most of these patterns are made for the tiny orientals and I wodered how I would alter it for a size 18 – 20 big lady?
You will probably need some knowledge of pattern grading in order to alter it for sizes that are not included in the book. I am not entirely familiar with the concept myself as I’m not professionally trained, but I have seen lots of tutorials and youtube videos online that teach you how to do that. Maybe you can search and see if there’s something similar for pants? 🙂