While searching for Zakka fabrics, I stumbled upon this site. Ness Home is actually a Korean brand and it’s all about Zakka fabrics and other Zakka stuff which is in line with our theme for the month. Even though it’s not Japanese fabrics, I just had to rave about it because their fabrics are just way too cool!
There are two sites – one in Korean which is probably their official site – http://nesshome.com/ and the Japanese site http://www.nesshome.jp/.
I have bought Korean fabrics off Etsy before, and I really like how they present their fabrics. Most of the time you get lots of sample goods pictures which gives you an idea of what to do with them. In the Ness Home site you get lots and lots of finished projects pictures. Gives you all kinds of crazy ideas! Many of the photos are user contributions, as seen from the watermarks on the photos. All the photos below are taken from the Ness Home site. Do check out the links to the fabrics to see lots more finished product shots! There are so many cool fabrics and I’m not even done scrutinizing every single one. So I just picked out a few that I really like.
One of the bestsellers at the moment. 6 in 1 pack fabrics based on themes. There are 4 different packs and these two – Zakka and Sewing are especially cute (IMO)
I sometimes go blank when I see fabrics like this. I know they are cute but what can I do with them? Just look below for ideas. Lots of ideas.
Visit the website to see the pictures close up. I had to resize it to fit in my blog.
Many of the fabrics are printed in such a way that they can be used in multiple ways. Such as this cafe curtain print. You can use it as a banner or cut up the different parts to make small goods like bags, pouches, coasters, even skirts!
Coffee theme fabrics used for the skirt – http://www.nesshome.jp/shopdetail/005001000283/order/
This would be a real conversation piece!
Crossstitch print – http://www.nesshome.jp/shopdetail/005001000223/order/
I love this one. They look like food posters, so you can frame them up to brighten up your walls, or use them in your own zakka projects. The ipad cover is really cute! And imagine making a series of lunch bags that actually tell you what’s contained inside ;P
How about these quirky looking owls? They are sold in 55x55cm squares and you can make your own stuffed owls out of them. There are also co-ordinating owl prints in the printed fabric section as well.
This is a Nordic stamp print. The colors are so bright and cheery. Can you spot the tissue box cover and floor mat? All made with the same series of fabrics. Click on the link to see more completed projects made with this fabric.
Another cool fabric for the kitchen or house, or may even a bag! http://www.nesshome.jp/shopdetail/005001000236/order/
There’s a lot more on their website. The korean site and Japanese site have different layouts and shipping options and I’ve not purchased from either before, so it will be great of any of you who have done so, do share with us your experience with Ness Home in the comments below.
great post!! Thank you!!!!
Oh my I think I’m in heaven now!:)) love the simplicity and cuteness. Thanks for sharing Yi Farn as always.
♥lovely fabrics♥
the website is awesome, but I can’t read either Korean or Japanese. Do you know if they have international shipping service? I’m located in Canada.
How cute! What a great find!
Wow, thats some fabulous stuff. Love the cute little owls. There’s so much neat stuff here. Thanks for sharing!
cute! I love all the fabrics. I want all of them T__T
[…] More bags – that’s a Ness home fabric! […]
thanks for sharing… 🙂
I love their fabric, left the Japanese website a message to see if they ship to USA. Thank you for sharing these beautiful stuff. Have a nice day.
Did you get an answer? Which emailaddress did you write to? Thx!