Translations and Help with Patterns

Translation Requests

May 24, 2012

Today’s question was more like a sewing pattern help than a real request for translation, but it’s still important.

BK cut out the pieces to this shirt from one of the books that I happen to have and reviewed about . Simple+one by Kurai Muki. But she noticed that the pattern piece for facings (not sure if this is the correct English term for  it! the inner lining part of the shirt where the buttons and buttonholes lie) was missing.

I checked the instructions, there was no mention on that. So I took a closer look at the cutting diagram.

The greyed out areas of the front and back bodice indicates the size and placement of interfacing pieces to be cut out. So looked at the pattern sheet.

見返し – the term for facings.

There you go! To save paper, only the bodice was drawn.  So after tracing the bodice,  you would need to trace another piece following the mid-line and the neck-hole, halfway down the shoulder, then down this dotted-dashed line to the bottom of the shirt, along the base of the shirt back towards the midline. That will be the facing pattern piece.

Then using this piece, you flip it horizontally so that the midline of the shirt joins up (as showin in the cutting layout diagram)

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  • Reply Pretty cool stuff May 24, 2012 at 2:25 pm

    Good job! (posting from my new blog)


    • Reply Japanese Sewing Books May 24, 2012 at 4:14 pm

      Hi Katrien! You have a nice blog! Lovely pics. I can’t understand so I hope google translate works better for Dutch than Japanese 🙂

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