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The Last Cucito Magazine

March 28, 2015

Last September, I bought this magazine – Cucito Fall 2014. It was lying on my desk with a pile of other Japanese sewing books for review and when I came to it, I thought it was quite late into the Fall season to review this. There were patterns for Halloween which was over by that time. The clothes were also more suitable for fall than winter. So I left it out, not knowing it will be the last of the series! …. .·´¯`(>▂<)´¯`·.


Ever since I started sewing, I started buying sewing magazines as they are obviously great value for money. There are patterns for clothes and accessories from Baby size – Kids. The previous incarnation of Children’s sewing magazine by Boutique-sha was this one – Kodomo Boutique (where kodomo means Children in Japanese)


This was the oldest magazine I could find in my collection. Released in May 2007. Look at that price! (That’s about 8USD) These magazines are more than half the price of regular sewing books, but contain more than double the patterns. This is because as a magazine they have loads of advertising, with sponsored projects by fabric companies/stores, as well as sewing machine companies. Kodomo magazine contained only kids patterns. Patterns for boys and girls, babies, as well as kids accessories like bags and crafts.  There were not many step by step photos, and seem to cater to an audience of mothers who are more advanced in sewing since there were not many beginner instructions.

Cucito was the successor to this magazine and it was more beginner friendly, at least in my opinion… There were also matching patterns for Mums and kids, as well as more sewing lessons with step by step instructions. Unfortunately, Cucito seems to have run its course. On the publisher’s website, it states that the last issue of Cucito will be the 2014 Fall edition. It goes on to mention that they have been publishing Children’s sewing magazines, starting from Kodomo boutique since 1974! That’s a whopping 40 years!

Let’s look at a few pictures from the last issue and see what you will be missing…


A whole bunch of patterns. From tops, to bottoms and accessories. For both girls and boys and some for Mums too.


Matching tunics for Mum and Daughter


Recent issues of Cucito have also featured patterns for the in-between age group of Tweens. i.e. 130-150cm.


Another kid-tween pattern.


Boys and girls patterns, featuring the latest fabric range.


Mickey and Minnie costumes for Halloween, or just that outing to the Happiest place on Earth 🙂


Babies patterns


Kids accessories, like bags…


cucitofall2014_11 cucitofall2014_12

and hats (that’s a faux wool print fabric by the way!)

Instead of a standard format magazine released every season, the publisher says that they will be publishing 5 magazines in different formats and content to update it to today’s sewing needs. So do look out for those as well. I have already reviewed the first one, Cotton Friend Kids. Pricing wise, it is more expensive than the original magazine, at 972 yen compared to 880 yen for Cucito magazine. I won’t be reviewing the Handmade school accessories book because I have way too many school accessories books lying around and they are really mostly the same patterns.

Cotton Friend Kids (Read my review)
published 28 Oct 2014
「年中使える 手作りの通園通学グッズ」
Handmade School Accessories
you can use all year round
published 28 Nov 2014
Easy Handmade Clothes Clothes for Children
2015 Summer
To be released 23 Apr 2015
Cotton Friend Kids 2
To be released 19 May 2015
Easy Fall/Winter Clothes for Children (working title)
To be released late Aug 2015

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  • Reply Nicole March 28, 2015 at 4:21 pm

    It´s really a pity. I also have some original Pochees (are they also stopped?!) and I love them! Indeed you get more for the money by buying a magazine and I also love to get some impressions of Japan by watching the other pictures-beside the model photos. Although I can´t read any Japanese it could be understand pretty easily how to sew. It is fascinating. When reading a german instruction in a Burda magazine you can´t sew it, although you are german…
    By the way-your blog is really great! Best wishes Nicole

  • Reply Isabella March 28, 2015 at 7:29 pm

    So funny. I also love Japanese sewing books/journals and understand the construction of the pattern. But I don´t understand the German Burda instructions although German is my mother tongue 🙂
    Thanks for your great blog.

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