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Book Flip Through Review – Pouch Making Classroom

Happy 2019! A little late into the year but I must confess I have been taking a nice relaxing time off. I took 2 weeks off in December, and when I came back everything was a mess at home and there was so much…

January 11, 2019

Free Japanese Sewing Pattern –

Sorry for the late post. Today’s free pattern is from るんるんソーイング (Run Run sewing) and it contains free patterns for babies, kids, adults, accessories, bags and even zakka! The homepage contains the list of projects and even though there are very few pictures on…

October 23, 2012

Free Japanese Sewing Patterns – Sew.Co World by Brother

Today’s free pattern comes from Sew.Co World, which is a website by Brother, and Sew Co. World is a site set up for Brother users to share their sewing projects. There are also some free patterns available for download on the website. Here are…

August 20, 2012

Book Review – Making small goods with excess fabric

What do you do with the excess fabric leftover from your sewing projects? I keep my small pieces usually for doing test runs before actual sewing or serging, and at other times I make dresses for my kids’ dolls. But I always seem to…

August 17, 2012

Free Japanese Sewing Patterns – Dress Towels

I have been struggling with my kids yanking the hand towels off the towel rings for a long time. Most of the time they will end up on the floor or on the wet counter, and no amount of nagging or reminders have helped.…

August 6, 2012

Free Japanese Sewing Patterns – indy*uneko

I was searching for a handphone case pattern. I haven’t found one that I like yet, but I stumbled upon this site that made me want to make other things instead. 😛 The website is called indy*uneko  and it is a blog by a…

July 9, 2012

Free Japanese Sewing Patterns – Nuimonotictac

I’ve seen a couple of requests for boy patterns. Sorry to say that because I have two girls, the only boy patterns I have are from books that have a combination of patterns for kids. I don’t have any books specially for boys! But…

April 23, 2012

Free Japanese Sewing Pattern – Sasatto Sewing (offline)

Update 24 March : It seems that the following website has been taken offline. I tried searching in Japanese but they all turn up the old domain name which is no longer available. Most of the free patterns you can find online are for…

April 2, 2012

Book Review – Handmade Rilakkuma

Today’s book is really fun. Have you heard of Rilakkuma? It’s a character from San-x, also known as Relax Bear. It’s one of my favourite characters. I have many Rilakkuma goods. Notepads, a tote bag, even have a 3D Rilakkuma iphone case! 🙂 For…

March 29, 2012

Free Japanese Sewing Patterns –

Today’s free patterns come from one of my favourite Japanese fabric brands. Lecien Corporation  is a manufacturer of fabrics, handicrafts as well as ladies clothes and even lingerie. I’m sure most of us who sew will recognize their brand as a manufacturer, given that they produce…

March 26, 2012