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Free patterns, how-to-make and my first video tutorial

Finally as promised, the fleece jacket with free patterns, step by step photos and a sewing video! Unlike the previous few sew-alongs, I didn’t announce this before hand, because I just wanted to post it here for anyone and everyone to read and sew…

December 10, 2012

Sew Along 2 – The Balloon Dress – Day 1

Good morning! Today we will start making the balloon dress. Before we begin, I’ll just make a quick explanation about the terms. The balloon dress is basically made up of two dresses. One wide dress on the outside (referred to in the instructions as…

August 27, 2012

Sew-Along Day 1 – The Granny Bag

It’s the first day of our sew-along! Before we begin, I just wanted to go into some details on interfacing and fabric cutting. Those of you who have already made bags and are expert sewers, please bear with me or just skip this section…

May 7, 2012

My First Sewalong!

One of the great suggestions from the Mother’s Day Book Giveaway was to have a sew-along. Originally, I wanted to do a sew-along that will use pattern from a Japanese sewing book so that we can go through the entire process of deciphering the…

May 3, 2012

Winner of Mother’s Day Book Giveaway

First of all, I would like to thank everyone who participated in the giveaway. The winner of the first book giveaway is Sumi! Sumi, I will be contacting you via email soon 🙂 For those of you who didn’t win, there will be more giveaways…

April 26, 2012