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fashionable clothes for girls

Book Reviews

Book Review – Fashionable clothes girls like

March 7, 2012

Ok I’m really guessing the title here. The Japanese title is おしゃれが好きな女の子の服 which literally means Fashionable – like – girls’ clothes. Which doesn’t make sense right? So Google translate tells me it’s Girls like fashionable clothes. Which makes more sense but I prefer Fashionable clothes girls like 🙂

Whatever the title, this book is a really cute one. It is laid out in the standard fashion as most books are. Meaning, contents -> yummy photos -> Some instructions on how-to-make, and then the how-to-make for each project.

What I like about this book is the clothes are not the usual girl frilly stuff, but the quirky, minimalistic clothes that the Japanese are famous for. Think Muji! In fact, the clothes look like they are designed for adults but downsized for kids, which could be the reason why I like this book so much. I could wear one of these!

The book contains projects for spring+summer as well as autumn+winter, which means you’ve got the whole year covered!

At the end of each section, there are also suggestions on how you co-ordinate different pieces together in different combinations for different looks.

Unfortunately, this book does not include any step by step photos, and the how-to-makes are in the standard diagram format. Where the numbers pointing to the garment indicate the order of sewing.

A close up view of the diagrams. Not too difficult to understand right?

Here’s what I made from this book! (It’s dress B from the two diagrams above) I made some additional embroidery details but will post it on my other blog when I’ve taken photos with the model in the dress 🙂 Updated! I’ve added a new post with more pictures of the dress below. Go on and have a look!

Title : Fashionable clothes girls like おしゃれが好きな女の子の服
Author : まのあきこ (Akiko Mano)
Project sizes : Girls clothes sizes 100-130cm
ISBN : 978-4-579-11289-0