While searching for Zakka fabrics, I stumbled upon this site. Ness Home is actually a Korean brand and it’s all about Zakka fabrics and other Zakka stuff which is in line with our theme for the month. Even though it’s not Japanese fabrics, I…
I first discovered naniIRO fabric more than 5 years ago while fabric shopping in Odakaya in Shinjuku which is a craft and fabric store. Located near the cashier was a row of fabrics. The colors were colorful yet muted in a way, and the…
Have you heard of Decole? Well, truthfully, I hadn’t. Till I stumbled upon this sale item, and it was so cute I had to buy it. The discounted price helped too of course. 🙂 It was not till I searched for more information before…
I come across many comments while surfing for Japanese Sewing Books, that Japanese patterns are very pretty, the photos in the books are gorgeous, but the results always look shapeless and sometimes pajama like? Not true. First of all, there are books with properly…