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dress patterns

Book Review – Daily Comfortable Clothes

This week’s book review is from a book I bought on my recent trip. It’s not a new book judging by it’s published date (Feb 2012). The title of the book is 毎日の心地よい服  by  櫻井悦子 (Etsuko Sakurai). I love the mood of the photographs…

June 29, 2012

Book Review – Cucito Summer 2012

Cucito is a kids sewing magazine published by Boutique-sha. The same people who publish Lady’s Boutique and Cotton Friend. They also publish a lot of other craft books and magazines. This is one of the magazines that I will buy regularly because not only is…

June 22, 2012

Translation Wednesdays!

I know that despite the best translation guides and dictionaries, sometimes it is still hard to deciper a pattern especially when you pick up a book like this. Some books provide great step by step picture, but this book gives me a one page…

May 16, 2012

Free Japanese Sewing Patterns – Nuimonotictac

I’ve seen a couple of requests for boy patterns. Sorry to say that because I have two girls, the only boy patterns I have are from books that have a combination of patterns for kids. I don’t have any books specially for boys! But…

April 23, 2012

Free Japanese Sewing Patterns – Otsukaya

Today’s free pattern find was contributed by Alice Heil from Sommet Outta Nuthin… Thanks Alice! 🙂 The patterns are from which is a fabric store with branches in Nagoya, Gifu and Osaka. Just like the fabric store I went to in Otaru, they provided free…

April 9, 2012

Free Japanese Sewing Pattern – Sasatto Sewing (offline)

Update 24 March : It seems that the following website has been taken offline. I tried searching in Japanese but they all turn up the old domain name which is no longer available. Most of the free patterns you can find online are for…

April 2, 2012

Free Japanese Sewing Patterns –

Today’s free patterns come from one of my favourite Japanese fabric brands. Lecien Corporation  is a manufacturer of fabrics, handicrafts as well as ladies clothes and even lingerie. I’m sure most of us who sew will recognize their brand as a manufacturer, given that they produce…

March 26, 2012

Book Review – Fashionable clothes girls like

Ok I’m really guessing the title here. The Japanese title is おしゃれが好きな女の子の服 which literally means Fashionable – like – girls’ clothes. Which doesn’t make sense right? So Google translate tells me it’s Girls like fashionable clothes. Which makes more sense but I prefer Fashionable clothes…

March 7, 2012

Book Review – Sewing Recipe

  Today’s book is the adult version of one of my previous reviews – Sewing recipe for Girl’s It’s by the same author, but with designs, lessons and techniques catered to adult wear. This book covers 6 basic styles (as shown above and below)…

February 8, 2012