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All giveaways, books or fabrics or notions

Win a bolt of nani IRO 2020

It’s the time of the year again for the release of a new range of nani IRO fabrics, and you all know I’m such a big fan of Naomi Ito’s designs that I look forward to this every year. This year’s range is a…

February 27, 2020

Book Flip Through – Needle Felted Kittens (plus GIVEAWAY!)

Today’s review is another Japanese craft book that has been translated into English by Nippan IPS. It’s really amazing and I’ve never seen the likes of this level of artistry before. You really have to see it to believe it! The book sample was…

February 2, 2019

Christmas Sewing in October and a Modes4U Giveaway!

Just as I was feeling sad about the slowing down of Japanese sewing book new releases that always happen in the last quarter of the year, I get excited once again, by sponsors who feel the festive mood (in advance) and want to sponsor GIVEAWAYS…

October 6, 2017

Sew Good Knits and a Giveaway!

Toddlers grow at an alarming pace. Much faster than I can sew. And can you believe it I have actually depleted my knit stash from Japan. I can actually buy and ship them in from Japan but knits are bulky, and most shipping forwarders…

September 29, 2017

Giveaway – nani IRO Cotton Sateen

Remember my raves about the new nani IRO cotton sateen last month? Well, we have a treat for you! Our very generous friends from is sponsoring a nani IRO fabric giveaway, and the fabric to be won is none other than the smooth, drape-y cotton…

April 28, 2017

10000 Facebook Likes and 10000 Youtube Subscribers Giveaway

Sometime during the mad rush last week, I noticed an exciting thing happening. My Facebook Likes crossed the 10,000 mark! Coincidentally, the number of subscribers on my Youtube Channel crossed the 10,000 mark on the same day! It was almost neck in neck and…

February 3, 2017

Giveaway Time – Japanese Sewing Books turns 5!

As I looked back on the posts I created over the past few years, I realized that the frequency and type of posts have been changing over the years. Since being a Mom is my full-time day (and night) job, it only goes to…

December 3, 2016

Fabric Giveaway – Christmas Fabrics from Kawaii Fabric

With so many holidays and coming up, the end of the year is a great time for giveaways! And once again from our very generous sponsor Modes4U. Yes you heard me right. I know the title says Kawaii Fabric, but do you know…

October 14, 2016

Liberty Art Fabric – Shoulder and Clutch Bag

As promised here are more photos of the bag I made with Liberty fabric. I followed the dimensions of the bag as given in the book, but with some adaptations of my own. In the book, the bag didn’t look quilted, or at least…

October 2, 2016

Liberty Print Shoulder Bag and Fabric Giveaway

It’s been a while since I last posted. I’ve been busy helping my eldest prepare for a very important exam which is happening right now so I’ve not had much time to blog. But I have been sewing! In fact, I find it incredibly…

September 30, 2016