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Free Patterns

All free patterns including the Japanese pattern links as well as my own downloads

Girls Qi Pao / Chinese Dress sew-along Pattern variation

I have been seeing lots of YOUR creations on my Facebook page and I can tell you it’s been wonderful seeing them.  Now it’s my turn to show you mine. First of all, I said I was going to sew on Chinese brocade, and I did.…

January 31, 2014

Girls Qi Pao (Chinese Dress) Sew Along Day 3

Today we are going to tackle the side zipper opening of the dress. This took me a few experiments to figure it out. I am not even sure if this is the correct way to do it but it works! 🙂 So here goes….…

January 16, 2014

Girls Qi Pao (Chinese Dress) Sew Along Day 2

Now, let’s get started! This is what we are going to be doing today. The sewing was mainly documented in video form and I did not have enough time to take screenshots so most of the sewing process will be in the form of a…

January 16, 2014

Girls Qi Pao (Chinese Dress) Free Pattern and Sew Along

Welcome to the first sew-along of the new year! The first sew-along will not be from my Japanese sewing books collection, but a long overdue project that I’ve been meaning to do for my other blog Cotton Candy. The Girls’ Qi Pao (pronounced ch’i-p’ao),…

January 13, 2014

Free Japanese Sewing Patterns Link – Christmas Gift and Ornaments

It’s exactly one month to Christmas! If you have not started decorating or preparing gifts yet, here are some free Japanese patterns & tutorials that I have found online that may inspire you. Most of these include step by step photographs and tutorials. Just…

November 26, 2013

Free Japanese Sewing Patterns – Pandora House (update)

I need to have a better “filing” system for my blog posts. Now that I have been blogging for almost two years, I find it hard to keep track of what I have blogged and what I haven’t. I was reminded of this recently…

November 8, 2013

Free Japanese Sewing Patterns – Dr Cos

It’s been a while since I have posted any links to Free Japanese Sewing Patterns, and recently I have had some feedback that some of the links are no longer working. I am trying to find archived versions for those that have been already…

September 19, 2013

Free Sewing Pattern, Tutorial and Video – Double zip pouch

Along with the theme of Zakka month, I decided to tackle something that has been baffling me for a while. How to make a double zip pouch with two compartments. Well actually I wanted to make one with 3 zips but I decided to…

May 27, 2013

Free Japanese Sewing Patterns – Seria

Today’s free pattern link is from an unexpected source. The website of a Japanese chain of 100 yen shops called Seria. If you are not familiar or have not been to one, 100 yen shops are shops where every single item in the shop…

May 20, 2013